Connecting, Inspiring and Equipping
Australia For Jesus is raising up an army of soul winners to go into the harvest and see many people come to Jesus.
What will you discover?
Who Is Alex Cook?
I have had the privilege of working in the finance industry for the last 20 years, and have been able to help hundreds of individuals and their families to make wise financial decisions.
I created the Wealth with Purpose Courses because of my desire to help you use the money that God has blessed you with, in a way that honours him and enables you to live financially free so that you can fulfil the calling that God has for you, and so that you can have the skills to use and build wealth that can be used for kingdom purposes!
As a serial entrepreneur, who has started, grown and sold a financial planning practice, I am passionate about sharing my entrepreneurial and marketing skills to help kingdom businesses and Christian ministries to thrive. I was fortunate enough to learn the skills on how to build, market, and grow a business through first hand experience and I believe I am called to share and release others to thrive in what God has called them to do.
Providing Gospel
Tools and Resources
Conducting Direct Outreach Campaigns
"NOW is the time!" [Jesus] said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe The Good News!" Mark 1:15 (based on NIV)
Your financial support will go towards mobilising Christians to bring others to Jesus throughout Australia
Help us empower, equip and mobilise
Christians to bring many people to Jesus across Australia
Help us empower, equip and mobilise
Christians to bring many people to Jesus across Australia
Australia For Jesus is connecting and inspiring Christians with Gospel Meet-Ups and training them through Bringing Others To Jesus Talks and Seminars both in churches and online. We have just released a 15 part video series called The God Revolution that shares teaching, testimonies of radical salvation and God’s miracle power in the peoples’ lives that will inspire you.
We are developing more tools and resources to help Christians to share the Gospel clearly with the unsaved and help new believers grow in Christ. We are also developing The Way of Life presentation so that people can see a Gospel presentation online to back up the work of soul winners ‘on the ground.’ These tools help Christians to share the Gospel simply.
We are already seeing, in churches and through personal contact:
> More Christians taking a step forward for the Gospel
> People coming to faith in Jesus
> New Believers growing as disciples of Jesus
We are planning direct on-the-ground outreach campaigns called The Way of Life to help Christians ‘put legs on their prayers’ as we work with churches, at events, in cities and communities to see more people hear The Word and come to faith. We are also creating follow-up mechanisms that let people watch a full Gospel presentation online.
There is a great need in our nation to see many people come to Jesus
Now is the time! God is moving by His Holy Spirit through His people who are lifting up the name of Jesus and bringing about a revolution in people’s hearts as they respond in faith to Christ
3 Ways Australia For Jesus is Mobilising Christians To Bring Others to Jesus
Will you support the work of seeing people come to Jesus in Australia?
Your donation is 100% tax deductible and uses the fully secure Give Now crowdfunding system
Since April 2018 our teams have seen 8,000 Gospel presentations and over 2,087 salvations
© 2020. Australia For Jesus Network (in association with Business Life Network. All Rights Reserved.